Remote Learning Information

Attendance During Remote Learning

The Illinois Department of Education requires that attendance be taken daily. In order to be considered “in attendance,” students are expected to complete the attendance form located in their Google Classroom. Students are also expected to interact with and respond to their teachers on a daily basis. Attendance is not based on assignment completion. Families will be contacted if students do not complete the required check-ins.

During remote learning we will continue to utilize the Google Suite (Google Classroom, Google Mail, etc.) for learning, grading, and attendance purposes. Student grades will be posted in Alma after grades are assigned.

Grades 1-6 Expectations

  • Daily attendance check-in Monday-Friday - Students need to complete the form located in their Google Classroom by 8:00 pm each day, or be counted absent for the day. If a student is ill and cannot attend to complete the check-ins, please communicate this to the classroom teacher.

  • Classwork - Teachers will provide specific instructions for each day of class.

  • Class Meetings - Participation during Google Meetings is strongly recommended. If you are unable to attend for some reason, please let your teacher know.

  • Specials Assignments - Art, Music, and Physical Education will each have one assignment due per week

  • RTI Services - Reading groups are going to meet on Google Meet each day during their regularly scheduled time. Please ask your child to check their email and join at the time assigned to their grade level.

Hotspot Loan Request

If a family does not have the ability to access the internet, wi-fi hotspots will be available for check-out. To request a mobile hotspot, please complete the district Request Form linked here.

Meal Pick-up Information

A meal pick-up option for students who are fully remote is provided. To register for pick-up, please complete the form linked here. You will need to submit your response by 10:00 a.m. Monday-Thursday. Also, you may pick-up meals at Franklin for siblings who attend other schools within our district. Pick-up will be from 10:30 - 11:30 at the school.